Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Cases: Real Cases: Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases and 20th Century:

Cases: Real Cases:

G e n e r a l   H i s t o r y

[Site] General

I. Author Index

[Info] Böhm, Bettina, et al. »Child Sexual Abuse in the Context of the Roman Catholic Church: A Review of Literature from 1981-2013.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 23 (2014): 635-656.

II. Speaker Index


A m e r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Chilean History

I. Author Index

[Info] Pinto-Cortez, Cristián, et al. »Abuso sexual eclesiástico en Chile: Las interpretaciones de altos representantes de la Iglesia Católica ante las acusaciones.« Interciencia 45 (2020): 409-416.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] U.S. History

1. General

I. Author Index

[Info] Jones, Eleanor. "In God We Trust"”: A Legal History of the Emergence, Development and Influence of the Sexual Abuse Scandal within America's Catholic Clergy. B.A. Thesis, University of Sydney, 2011.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Holscher, Kathleen. »Decolonizing the Catholic Sex Abuse Crisis.« Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association. Honolulu 2019.

2. Archdiocese of Boston (Offenders: John Geoghan, Paul Shanley)

I n f o r m a t i o n

»The Archdiocese of Boston sex abuse scandal was part of a series of Catholic Church sexual abuse cases in the United States that revealed widespread crimes in the American Catholic Church. In early 2002, The Boston Globe published results of an investigation that led to the criminal prosecutions of five Roman Catholic priests and thrust the sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy into the national spotlight. Another accused priest who was involved in the Spotlight scandal also pleaded guilty. The Globe's coverage encouraged other victims to come forward with allegations of abuse, resulting in numerous lawsuits and 249 criminal cases.« -- More information: Wikipedia

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] Ebest, Sally B. »Breaking the Silence of Child Sexual Abuse in the Irish-American Catholic Church.« The Routledge History of Irish America. New York 2024: 445-457.

[Info] Slawson, Douglas J. »Outrage in Boston: Sexual Abuse Scandal and the Downfall of Cardinal Bernard Law.« American Catholic Studies 128 (2017): 55-82.

II. Speaker Index


3. Archdiocese of Los Angeles (Offenders: Peter E. Garcia)

I. Author Index

[Info] Reynolds, Susan B. »"I Will Surely Have You Deported": Undocumenting Clergy Sexual Abuse in an Immigrant Community.« Religion and American Culture (August 29, 2023).

II. Speaker Index


[Site] South American History

I. Author Index

[Info] Lecaros, Véronique, et al, eds. Abuse in the Latin American Church: An Evolving Crisis at the Core of Catholicism. London 2024.

II. Speaker Index


E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] French History

I. Author Index

[Info] Airiau, Paul, et al. Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église catholique en France (1950-2020): Une Analyse sociohistorique. 2021.

[Info] Airiau, Paul. »Sanctionner les crimes et délits sexuels dans l'Église catholique en France: Une première approche (1950-2020).«; Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 57-72.

[Info] Boullu, Thomas. »L'évolution de la répression judiciaire des abus sexuels commis par des clercs sur les personnes en situation de vulnérabilité (1950-2020).« Revue du droit des religions No.12 (2021): 129-142.

[Info] Boullu, Thomas, et al. »Introduction.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 9-12.

[Info] Boullu, Thomas, et al., eds. Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Strasbourg 2023.

[Info] Darsonville, Audrey. »« Dissiper les ténèbres », une proposition de justice restaurative.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 39-56.

[Info] Gonçalves, Bruno. »Le sceau sacramentel en question: Essai d'analyse juridico-canonique des recommandations de la CIASE.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 73-91.

[Info] Lancien, Anne. »Dissemblances et convergences des commissions d'enquête sur les abus sexuels dans l'Église.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 93-108.

[Info] Portier, Philippe. »La CIASE, l'Église et l'État: Une réflexion sur la pratique française de la laïcité.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 13-37.

[Info] Sauvé, Jean-Marc. Sexual Violence in the Catholic Church France 1950 - 2020: inal Report French Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church (CIASE). 2021.

[Info] Sauvé, Jean-Marc. Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église catholique France 1950-2020: Rapport de la Commission indépendante sur les abus sexuels dans l'Église. 2021.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] German History

1. General

I. Author Index

[Info] Dreßing, Harald. »Das Ausmaß der Vertuschung: Neue Analysen der MHG-Daten belasten die Kirche im Vergleich der Institutionen.« Herder-Korrespondenz 74 (2020): 13-16.

[Info] Gebrande, Julia, et al., eds. Machtmissbrauch in der katholischen Kirche: Aufarbeitung und Prävention sexualisierter Gewalt. Hildesheim 2019.

[Info] Gebrande, Julia. »Sexualisisierte Gewalt in der katholischen Kirche: Ein Überblick über aktuelle Forschungen und Entwicklungen und ihre Konsequenzen.« Kindesmisshandlung und - vernachlässigung 22 (2019): 44-55.

[Info] Große Kracht, Klaus. »Les abus sexuels dans l'Église catholique allemande: Perspectives historiques et résultats.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 109-123.

[Info] Leygraf, Norbert, et al. Sexuelle Übergriffe durch katholische Geistliche in Deutschland: Eine Analyse forensischer Gutachten 2000-2010. Bonn 2012.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Faggioli, Massimo. »Testifying to the Toward a Global History of the Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church: A Comparison between the Institutional Responses in the United States, Australia, France, and Germany, 2002–22.« 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Catholic Historical Association. Philadelphia 2023.

2. Roman Catholic Diocese of Essen

I. Author Index

[Info] Dill, Helga, et al. Aufarbeitung sexualisierter Gewalt im Bistum Essen: Fallbezogene und gemeindeorientierte Analysen. Weinheim 2023.

II. Speaker Index


3. Roman Catholic Church in Mecklenburg

I. Author Index

[Info] Rinser, Laura. Zwischen „Katholizismus“ und „Sozialismus“: (Sexualisierte) Gewalt an Minderjährigen durch katholische Kleriker in Mecklenburg in der Zeit von 1946-1989. Dissertation, Universität Ulm, 2023.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Irish History

Representations: Films: The Magdalene Sisters; Radio: What the Bishops Knew

I. Author Index

[Info] Kenny, Colum. »Significant Television: Journalism, Sex Abuse and the Catholic Church in Ireland.« Irish Communications Review 11 (2009): 63-76.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Italian History

I. Author Index

[Info] Manfroi, Alice. Il Caso Spotlight: Come ha reagito la Chiesa cattolica in Italia. Tesi, Università degli Studi dei Padova, 2022.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Polish History

I. Author Index

[Info] Wiecek-Duranska, Anna. »Clergy-perpetrated sexual crime against minors: Case study.« Psychiatria Polska (October 5, 2020).

[Info] Wiecek-Duranska, Anna. »Przestepczosc seksualna duchownych wobec osób maloletnich: Analiza przypadków.« Psychiatria Polska (October 5, 2020).

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Portuguese History

I. Author Index

[Info] Ramos, Vasco, et al. »From percentages to narratives: Giving silence a voice in child sexual abuse within the Portuguese Catholic Church, 1950–2022.« Child Abuse & Neglect 154 (2024).

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Spanish History

I. Author Index

[Info] Rashid, Faisal, et al. Clerical Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church in Spain: A Contemporary or Historical Phenomenon?« Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 23 (Fall 2022): 227-237.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Swiss History

I. Author Index


II. Speaker Index

[Info] Karasek, David, int. »Sexueller Missbrauch in der katholischen Kirche der Schweiz.« Tagesgespräch. Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen 2023.

O c e a n i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Australian History

I. Author Index

[Info] Death, Jodi. »Bad Apples, Bad Barrel: Exploring Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse by Catholic Clergy in Australia.« International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 4 (2015): 94-110.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Faggioli, Massimo. »Testifying to the Toward a Global History of the Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church: A Comparison between the Institutional Responses in the United States, Australia, France, and Germany, 2002–22.« 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Catholic Historical Association. Philadelphia 2023.